Memo on Religious Observances

TO: All Faculty

FROM: Ann E. Cudd

DATE: August 29, 2019

SUBJECT: Religious Observances

The University of Pittsburgh has a tradition of recognizing religious observances of members of the University community in instances where those observances may conflict with University activities. On such dates, students should not be penalized for absences, and faculty meetings should not be scheduled.

Examples of such occasions are Yom Kippur, Muharram, Diwali, and Good Friday, but other days of religious observance may also conflict with scheduled academic activities. When such conflict occurs, students and faculty should make a reasonable effort to reach mutually agreeable arrangements to reschedule the academic activity or provide a substitute activity or evaluation. Faculty should encourage students to raise the potential for such conflicts as early in the term as possible.

Please refer to the Faculty Handbook ( for more information about religious observance guidelines. A religious holiday calendar is accessible on the Office of Diversity and Inclusion website at:

cc: All deans and regional campus presidents

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