Faculty Affairs

Faculty members play a central role in the University of Pittsburgh, and the Faculty Affairs office within the Office of the Provost provides support to Pitt faculty in a number of areas. 

The Office of Faculty Affairs oversees the application of faculty policies and guidelines, including those related to faculty personnel actions and faculty appointments, promotions, and conferral of tenure, as well as appeals and grievances. This office also maintains the Faculty Handbook, oversees and monitors the faculty annual review process, and administers the transition to retirement and emeritus processes.

The Faculty Affairs office is led by Vice Provost Lu-in Wang.


Faculty Handbook

The Faculty Handbook comprises University policies and procedures that directly impact your work as a Pitt faculty member. These include policies about benefits, institutional support, and University governance as well as compliance policies and procedures that satisfy federal and Commonwealth laws.

Faculty Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition

The University of Pittsburgh is dedicated to recruiting, retaining, and recognizing an excellent and diverse faculty. Our success is dependent on identifying high-quality faculty from varied backgrounds and academic disciplines, with a broad range of perspectives and experiences, who will become part of a university that is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and vibrant community.


For more than 10 years, the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education has surveyed faculty members at more than 250 colleges and universities to understand the themes associated with faculty satisfaction.

Faculty Policies & Guidelines

The Office of Faculty Affairs oversees the application of faculty policies and guidelines, including those related to faculty personnel actions and faculty appointments, promotions, and conferral of tenure, as well as appeals and grievances. 

Faculty Resources

The Office of the Provost has developed and supports a number of programs, tools, and groups to further to build community, pursue professional development, and achieve teaching excellence.

Faculty Union Information

The University of Pittsburgh Faculty Unionization website provides information and all communications shared during the course of the faculty unionization election process and during the negotiation process. It also houses a PDF of the final, fully executed collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the faculty union and answers to frequently asked questions related to the CBA. Additional information is available at the Union of Pitt Faculty website.