New Unit Incorporating Computer Science, School of Information Sciences (April 10, 2015)

From: Beeson, Patricia

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 2:16 PM

To: OTP - Council of Deans 

Subject: Computer Sciences and School of Information Sciences 

Dear Colleagues: 

This morning I met with the faculties of the School of Information Sciences and of the Department of Computer Science in the Dietrich School to invite them to develop a proposal for a new unit that will incorporate both faculties into a single academic and administrative unit. This request was motivated by the widely held belief that our institutional strength in this increasingly important area of inquiry could be enhanced through a structure that allows for greater integration and coordination of both the research and academic programs. 

In talking with the faculties, I asked that they take a broad look at the University's strengths, opportunities, and needs in this area and develop a proposal that will significantly advance our efforts by consolidating academic programs, capitalizing on existing strengths, enhancing collaborations, and creating an intellectual hub for computing and information sciences at the University. 

A change like the one contemplated here will require broad consultation both in terms of the strategic vision for the new unit and the impact on faculty, staff, students and programs. In addition to consultation with colleagues in units with joint academic programs, such as Computer Engineering, I expect these discussions to engage other colleagues at the University and in the region as well as national and international experts who may be able to help structure a plan that will allow us to achieve our ambitions in this area. 

Any new academic structure will also require review by the appropriate School- and University-wide governance processes. With this in mind, I have asked the faculties to work toward submitting a proposal to my office by the end of the next academic year. 

I look forward to the conversations over the coming year and to receiving a proposal that will greatly enhance the University's efforts in the area of computing and information sciences. 


Patricia Beeson 
Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor