University Planning and Budgeting Committee

The University Planning and Budgeting Committee (UPBC) develops budget parameters for the Educational and General (E&G) operating budget, the capital budget, and others, and forwards them, along with recommendations on compensation increases, to the chancellor.

The UPBC also makes recommendations concerning proposals for establishing, terminating, or significantly changing programs, or significantly altering resource allocations at levels requiring approval of the chancellor.

For more information on the UPBC and how it fits into the overall planning and budgeting system at the University, please visit The Planning and Budgeting System (PBS) of the University of Pittsburgh webpage.

2024 Meeting Dates

Date Time
Wednesday, February 14 3:30–5 p.m.
Thursday, April 25 3:30–5 p.m.


2023-2024 Committee Membership

View the current roster of UPBC committee members.

Meeting Minutes

Approved minutes of the UPBC are available for the years 1994 through the current year.