of the century Americans in all walks of life joined organizations of every
description: professional societies, social clubs, service and charitable
organizations, special interest groups, ethnic societies, and recreational
and athletic clubs. College students were no exception. Women at Pitt signed
up with the newspaper, competed on the Debate Team, and joined the Socialist
Club and any other organization that accepted women. By 1910 Pitt women started
of their own, notably the Y.W.C.A., but many women seemed to prefer coed
activities. After 1919, when the Dean of Women came in, "for women
only" became more popular.
First Women
| How Women Fared | A
New Home | College Life
| Targets of Humor | Women's
Space | For Women Only
Rites of Passage | Black
Women | The Twelfth Floor | The
War Years | Women in Sports | Coming
Into the 70's
A Winning Team
Women's basketball, organized in 1914-1915, was the first competitive sport
for women. College women everywhere played basketball, an acceptable game
for women students. From 1915 to 1927 Pitt had many winning seasons.
The Pep Club, 1917.
The Debate Team included men and women until 1921 when women organized the Women's Debating Association.